Ketosis Fat Burn promotion

Ketosis Fat Burn promotion
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Thursday, April 25, 2024

BENEFITS & MY SPACE NETWORK (updated 4/27 5:38pm)



(Commentary 🐇Videos & Links🐇 Method 🐇 Religion, Illuminati or Money Objective w Videos & Links below)

- This is the only

a. Picking up b. Took Episodes 



(a. Picking up b. Took Episodes )

This is the only. So it's the only time that I get a chance to really tell you what's going on. By the way the videos are below and some more commentary below that. So you have a way to maneuver and experience what it is to set up a bridge and doors that open. And when there's some lock stops or trolls then we understand ourselves but we also know how to remove it and complete our mission. 



CASHAPP $galacticwar


Day 1 of IT


DAY A (both Day 1 & 2)

a. Taking my time b. Looking Elsewhere 

Supposed living is only a requirement for those who really partake in what all is. Taking my time. Taking my time only requires me to look elsewhere until I do my living. If there are people around that are desolate and in places that cannot think to do the next thing then that's the place that I would require myself to stay. But I would never put myself or my body in jeopardy at the rates that they see. 

So the image is only what it is and I would have to get away and far away until I can connect again at the place. But the only place that that would be would be called nothing. And no thing. So people have things, right? No thing, and no worry people around. So it's kind of like a carnival or festival but nobody cares and there is someone that is input at rates of delegating troll and also fighting troll. But there's no cares. And they don't work. So they function out but at levels that they spark. So it can hurt and the feelings are at the front and center but it still can hurt.
(a. Keeping Up b. Lockboxes c. Determined)

So the only journal that I keep is my confrontational. And any preliminaries that deal with the outskirts of the system like if I walk all the way up to the end of the system, then all of my lock boxes are in control. There's no more trolls and there's no more confrontational expectations of it. So all of those things are gone and nowhere and at the places where those sharp or pointed people are. So walking out to the outskirts of the system or at the end of it means that we are here. N o w. Continuous. Kept up. And determined. 

So as we know there are no more confrontations, then we understand that we confront ourselves only mainly in main. Trust. So the hardest is the hard and the least is the least. There's nothing else. 
So getting into ourselves means everything and nothing is the thing. So we are now. 
Thank you. Trust. Determination.

So there is a person if you can see it in that diagram. He's right there standing at grass and there's a store. Four corners and sides. With the word store. That cross is either a cross of death and die and or a railroad crossing symbol. And it goes right there at a river and a match and fire symbol.

So he walks across but he gets crossed out in just 2 to 3 days because it's too lit around the area. And he gets messed up because at that railroad symbol he can't go over to the river where the matches and lights are. So he's trying to ask the store but he stands in front of the store with the grass there. And he's asking or begging more like begging for his life if they can help. The river is across the way and his feet work. 

These types are the same types spelled out melbda. There is no lucifer. There is no God. But there is a way for him to do it. 
So all it takes is for a person to understand that he doesn't belong there and that his root is not a root it's like everything. 
So in the next 2 to 3 days on the video side we're going to show why he's at that place and what the talk is on day four and five because the m thing is not or the it one is not regulated to design. So there's nothing seen yet. But it is everything and he has no rhythm.

Okay so, now in the diagram, is a periodic way for us to deliver anything. The guy was uplifted and removed. There is no other trust on redone or sort that says rescue or beg effectual. The Cross River or the cross symbol is still there and there is still a train and a river. But the fire in match matches. There is a match with fire that will relay itself if I want it or not. If not, I understand every single thing that went along with that one single thing. No guy can uproot himself in plant at the place and say he is a cordial person or spirit guy. Thanks.


Taking My Religion. Building Trust

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