Ketosis Fat Burn promotion

Ketosis Fat Burn promotion
Ketosis Fat Burn promotion - CLICK IMAGE (for more info)

BLOG READ 2024 (5/12 5:25 pm est. last updated)

Day 1 & 2 below...(up to 6 days more inaminute). Does she let us pass; proceed ; steady 😱😲 

(further here on this item as a blog page unlisted. ANOTHER BLOG). Read till the end on both.) updated 5/5 10:38am . Fyi



SEPARATE ACT (not used). I WAS THERE. NO POPCORN. And I didn't watch her sleep it all gone. I watched her sleep. I'm 7 miles away.

Lol. Okay. Yes she slept through it all. Yes there is a separate act and it was "a no" functions on me though. So why couldn't I have the popcorn? And why is it only on food? 

And she poisoned IT. I had the shits. There is nothing. So let's go further. Because I have a meet with a very important lesson and person.

"And the Application & Appointment forms work". The 12th ISN'T THE GUY & THEY COME EARLY ENOUGH TO SAY ALL OR 9TH. I'm riding her spine.

But it says 30 days credit and One Speed Demon dealt for remembering. Hm? That deals me solid yet HITS! The door. If it remembers. Lol. Again. Ok. The Lease has IT in a version to remind harder. Hm? Once for nothing and remember. Say it again for remember. NOW LET'S TRAIN NOTHING NOW. lol. Potty sequence. BEGIN.


There isn't a whole lot more to go over. But I will formulate it more. And subject title the next thing in sequence. She doesn't want you to deliver her. She wants you to f*** it. Yes! Let's go! Nobody can do it and everybody knows who she is. So let's get on to the vehicle and why it is important or impossible or permissive. Okay. Thank you. Please follow along in the next few days. And I will date and update you when I update. Thanks.


I started all of this with no notion of getting cut off with future warranty. But I did mention the warranty. Right from the start. But I do get an extension on something that hasn't even been told. The extension is the unlimited power of certain customers and what they could be talking about only. But the extension is there.


(w/ no warranty).

DAY D. (3 & 2). 4/29 and 4/30 and 5/1

Okay so what all of this means, is there is no guarantee or insurance plan. In life or your emotions. Her emotions are not guaranteed either. And if it is a person privy to the court system but also the church, there are privileges for those majority. Not an emotion guarantee though. Okay? So why did she jig the whole gig or the whole stock shelf or the whole property damage bit? 

Nothing. For pure nothing. No reason means it is a no-head entity or f** that only wants to deal itself as a man and can't. 

HUNGER PAIN (after this during sh*)

It is only her pain. You are not hungry and you have no hunger for it. It is a little bit of anxiety but nothing. 


(hips) some back. She is in pain. Not you. That means it's an illusion and we'll go in a few... The physicalness of it is exasperated. The food and solid factors are exasperated. And determined. A strict measure.

So the guy in the diagram shown on the previous blog that is posted as a post, two posts down, is showing that he's missing but everybody knows it's not true. The sanctity of it is that everybody has looked and requires to say that it happened. Once that all goes away, it's just what it is. But that's a whole lot of people. Like all.


It means someone is dealing my vehicle in a way that it's only for food and needs more money and now it is complaining and is also caught, but it was caught hungry.


You caught the One. If you didn't go hungry. You caught two if you eat. And gain. With no warranty attack. On friend foe beef vehicle frenzy. Hm? Yes. Ok.

THE REST on 4/30. (DAY C. 5th day)

Thanks 🙂 ♥️ 

Note: RECOVERY:ACTS:ME . (grabbed: slick & fu*). Was SICK . & Recovered 🦠💊. (What is next and why). Right now, I have IMMUNITY FROM THICKNESS. OK. Let's see. Why they did it. And I have to spectate. Hm?🤔 And 7 miles away. Do I run fast? Lol

4/30 WALKING IN. Nobody showed up. Nothing. And she was plot too on warranty scheme early. Hm🤔 Havingme to check Day D. And why so quick. As Day 3 is close only. Popcorn expense. PayPal.

Warranty. Tuesday. 7th rate Meldable. (That noise#&!). And Fancy Trolls fighting. To get to the door. The car is ready.

Showing you the door.

Nothing. Today. Genesis 1. Formless and empty. Darkness covered deep waters. 
Why is it 7 more days? And Tuesday the start. The only logic problem. But not on Day 8 or. Beyond the whole prolific line. 

(for 2 days or not). It is the only way that I have to express this and if he uses the only express note, then it is all gone. Meaning, she is the only thing that misses it and not him or them. Why is the car broke? And why did she drug the cookies and take some cash to leave it? Ok. Today is a better day. I will be posting again. It is now. Stay to date. All checks and benefits are good. And they are pressing the buttons.

They are pressing all of the buttons. They know what the buttons are. They are quiver at the voice of you. They only want you to see either a male's body poker or skin or a voice of him. It's dealing itself as a mind exasperated oxygen air breathing entity but it is actually suffering it. So there are no checks. Until we get a remittance on what the gland is that breathes like an aspirator that breathes easier wow this is happening. So she is strangling me now. In her head. 

Why is she there and why did the checks not arrive? And why does her kind only sit at the root upper chamber? It is no root there and it's only in abdomen and lungs. 

So why did she poison it again? Was it the popcorn literally? Because I had some more today. Then she threw piss on me! And on my game plate. I have nothing else to say something is weird.

She's not the smartest. And they throw those away. Why is she my assistant then?

Okay the lucid body will build the vehicle load way, because there is no person living in their flesh so badly to out do things. The lucid body will join the physical body in a moment as it sees a car slow driving up with all the papers. 

And nothing. This is a typical astral body connection with the physical universe to deliver a physical item. Which is important because the lucid reference is only the thing that these are giving while she is striking out snake like. 
Thanks 🙂 ♥️ 
In a moment.

Pics will be displayed. 6 , 7 more days. To go consecutively. Posts will be updated daily here. Bless.
Let there be Light, and there was Light. Darkness surreal. Is to cover the Waters. She gave me head trauma spasms, lisps, eye twitching spasms. No breathing apparatus. Waters are low. Help!

5/1. Update. NOTHING.
There is nothing. And she won't ever give up. There is no light. And darkness isn't even covering. She has a lisp that only will do anything that is pertinent to the cause of anxiety or ill. She still throwing the piss and she's referencing it in a pile that only goes in a container that holds things or liquid. Once she places it in the container she throws it in another one but inside of a hole or cup holder. Or on the floor. When I ask what is wrong with you, she looks and grins. 
There is only one thing that measures that. And I can't tell why she's in front of me. But if someone needed to be done, I would never be the one. She just asked for something and nothing comes to. 
Why is she a grin cat? But a person? 

LETS NOT BACK UP. YET, RESOLVE NOTHING SOME. Today 5/2. DAY 1 & 2 inaseconds.
Or A Day again after tomorrow. Ha ha
She is really getting out of control.
And everything like the warranty and the pizza joint, everything is out by the wayside for a moment, hence the day after tomorrow is a day one and two; so that we can gather that all of this was done in one second of a personal minute. 
There is peeing control which only leads for her to not do it. Then it's a spike loose half joint out of nowhere on the chin or something. If she goes to spike me again, I won't have any other method. 

This only calls for more resolution. But everything is adjusted. Everything is normal. So that's just what it is until then, enjoy the unlisted videos on the next page if you like. Thanks.

5/3. Day 2

Okay so she is asleep right now. No more throwing piss. But the new which is not so old but for her it is, is throwing up like Zilla. Not getting up. Not moving. And the smell is under the spirit lining. So what the f*** is that? 

Okay so there is no piss. But I only can see ahead two Rivers up. And this pulsating energy just wants to speak and I don't speak. I just hear my own self. My own intuitiveness or my own personal psychic reflective high side. So I don't really talk to Spirit or a person I do talk to me. And I see myself as that. So there is no one who can see ahead of schedule if there is no piss as of right this minute. But it is in the same area of in a minute. In a minute, only is the minute that she did it at the same moment where there's two of me. Like clones. And I'm the only recorder, because I have a third dimensional side. I see all. So she was running into me as I was seeing me and she was throwing piss. And I don't do ill. 

Then something wants to lay it before it is done. That's why I don't see my money. 

I will see it shortly and in a minute. Please follow along. We appreciate it. Thanks. Have a nice mental health awareness month and Cinco de Mayo in a minute. Oh, I would also like to mention that I have a birthday on May 22nd. Thanks. 🥳🧁🎉🎈🕯️

Day 3. APTITUDE . Her Witness 

All right so if you haven't already, please go over the day three videos here

Thank you. So she is already remitting on why she does the throw up and the throwing of items. And the items are charged with a whole lot of glory and love offering and those are the ones that her hand picks up or the hand is. It's like a hand item and it would only be evil that I'm talking about. 

So she really doesn't want me going over to the occasion. It's like a stop box. Food and all, the way that I mingle, and the designation that I have already done. 

So the starving is really bad. And the detriment is worse. Dry lips crusty areas around the tongue and nothing else but that.

Her aptitude is at nothing. So please view this video religion and detriment day 3 .

So after looking at today's videos on that page, you would have gotten a whole lot of information that responds to why people are at rates of walk-in and walk out and blow up fury. It is my duty here to rescue, but not to resuscitate while you are doing it while you believe higher. Which makes no f****** sense. There is a rescue. You are not part of your ego yet. 

So stop playing the hurt ego that you know that we are. 

Other than that it's a beautiful day. And the weather is very constructive. It's the only way that we can see if that area at the stop box is done or not that we can mingle a little bit happier than wheels and a cart. Because Wheels in a car is only getting us to the stop box for a certain time place. And something is saying not the whole the whole time they are talking. Let's go into that subject matter.


When a person has to say not the whole, they are only saying not to enter but they are saying. The not enter part is already placed. It's not a person and it's not a say. So once a person becomes holy and once a person says not in the hole, everybody or every certain person that is brighter than the rest are in trouble. In the blonde or the brunette laugh their ass off. It's not a place to be and not in the hole is here the whole time when it is down time. 

So when holy matrimony arrives they only arrived like that and they're saying not the place the whole time. So why are they the assistive? And why are they matching what I am with what they do? Why am I a saint and why do they have to note it? 

As soon as it's in the hole they punch it in there in something about you is in there as well and everything starts to hurt. The punching part means it is not a person on the territory of Earth and why we are here. It is just a clown. And they get in trouble and they're not as upright as you think otherwise. It's almost the opposite of what you notice. 

So once they come in, which will only be after day 4; they will only arrive with the only information they have which is the very ending of the beginning that was the most solid. They know it all. They stand everything. And they smell. And I don't smell it. 


So once you have a beginning that doesn't formulate with the proper ending, you can start crocheting. 

The letter d, is the knot. Just in case. (Because these assholes

repeat everything!). 

Just like how you see the subheading bold and the rest of the sentence. Is the same at the not right at letter d. (How people's side swank you and get away with it too. But they have to be talking.) 

Okay, take day three and concept over to day 6 and it may be grayed out; from you thinking that far. Then knot it. Then do a little bit more with day number nine and cross it with six early like right now on if you can even get into it. If it's already grade or a knot of its own, only the thinking process in considering if you're going to work into a zone or not is the same as if you have thoughts about it. So day 6 I would be, (let me back up a bit all you're doing is taking away a whole lot of your physical side about things like maybe a fasting or a good diet or cutting out TV or something to make it more light when you go to mingle with this type again. You're just making it more light. So you can say all.) 
So on that note, take day three cross it with six, get up to 5. If it shuts off, it's already a knot. More than what you think because I just delivered two cut offs. That means she's highly aware of any situation beyond black and white and light and dark. If she goes to church, she would have just started and she knows how to lie to herself for it not to rub off on you. So she can make it up at the house or at church. So when she goes to throw it it doesn't look like the Faye you recognize at the house. But when you discover it's the only Faye and she doesn't do anything beyond that, all the men drop off.
Now there should be two x's that we've done without any rows involved yet. So at on that part, make sure the needle goes through the eye of the one that is being unpleasant. So it can crochet the whole thing without me speaking. So day 5 6 7 8 and 9 are all the days that are being done. There's the prime and main example that's not an example of something that she's saying that we didn't say. 

Okay. Here's how to do it. Day one two and three, crochet it into days five six and seven. 
Anything that hasn't been snipped off you can just leave it hanging. And come back to the original of what you're trying to do which is just then, and finish it in a moment. 
This just means there's too much light around you to really have the eyes to do what it's supposed to in front of you. But you are very much On Target that she is the culprit and something is very incorrect. About her and the situation she brought.

Now the next time that she is brought up or it could be as soon as I say the name or what the situation is here, that is a proper knot.

Working on it is the only thing that will do the whole thing. In a moment is the max. And working on it, you understand what is happening.

She is never the knot. She is not the sore. And she says not to go into the hole. She has nothing on a knot since the beginning. 

So work mode is more what is happening when you go to work on it, you may get dizzy and you may see something that you don't normally see. But all in all it is called the four letter word work w o r k. And this is being delivered at the end, no work involved. So it is only touchy and stingy only. And involves a little bit of head process, even though it's been detonated. 

So all in all, she is still throwing piss. Literal and also not that. And she wants to do things. 
All right, have a nice day. Let's look forward to the next two days and see if we want to cross mingle the beginning and ends again for ourselves to really take part into what all of this is ourselves and not just her which is stolen something and says it.



Stomping around now. And everything is coming down because people can hear and they are very quiet here. The hard-working like-to-it. If you are trying to really make sure that I go insane, yes. 

But the only one who touches is the only one who is that, like a person that is henchman as a machine touchless car wash only. The machine though. Like he can lift it. So no one is messing with her. And every time she goes to piss, she does it in the toilet now. 

What is the only difference? A week off and saying that I'll be back on it and then doing it and she's better? Did she beat the f*** out of something? Me? Yes. 

That only means she's determined and that someone needs to place her at a misplaced type of actual. Because she just doesn't have it and there's too much money. 

But the minute you do it, you get in trouble and I'm continuing and she's done anyway. So what the heck are you trying to prove to me saying that you were more than the machine or evil or man itself? When you have pump iron in you the soul level of a touchless car wash, then you are crazy. I don't want you around me or my people or whatever it is that you think. Please go. You are the only one that I do not want. Are you satisfied? But please answer that to your beneficiaries of soul that are people only. Thank you.

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