Ketosis Fat Burn promotion

Ketosis Fat Burn promotion
Ketosis Fat Burn promotion - CLICK IMAGE (for more info)

Blog Only (deletes *24hrs). 6/26 7:41 pm est update


(storyline if it was fiction) 

👂💵(Next: Petrified Wood)

5th story this week.

Series: (schedule people schedule & brittle phone cords)

(Typical donation: $20) cash app: $galacticwar


I can't do anything. But I know that the saying is awesome. So I want people to find out why. There isn't enough time. And everybody is here. 


If you know exactly what to do ,;!


What the hell are you talking about and why are you doing it? 

How is it that I am the one? Everybody sees. And you are the only one that doesn't see anything.

Are you kidding me? Somebody gave me the whole thing, and told me that THAT was the only thing.

I will have to arrive at some type of manner. Because there's nobody who wants to relate it. And I also see that it is just confusing. 

I can only get towards it, and everything else just falls through. But if you only understand you, it really won't be that hard. There is a point where people would have to do the odd. But I only see and I think it only relates what happened. 

So if you would like to support things, just do exactly what it is. But do not be wise more than the gentlest, because nobody can hear.


I can't be here more than one minute or two. Figuring nothing out just for something to be revived and spirited of it. 

I am the only one. And I don't see anyone here. 

There is a satisfaction level, and nothing is responsive either. 

If I were to go towards it, I just know it would fall through and not begin anything. 

I am the only one. And everything is here. But when I go to start, nothing is relating. So whenever I get an opportunity, I just know it was not here and as badly - is what things are anyway. 

If I want to do things, then I only understand. But when the person wants everything in front of them, we cannot do it.

I can only determine your output. You have said so much. And I don't think that you are the only one. I think there are several. And I don't know why you would come to me in that manner.

I am the only. And I don't think that anyone is here. If you go to an extra stop that only says to do it, then you were there. 

I can only relate nothing. And you are the design that doesn't do it. 

Please get in, because I have no clue why you are messing with items. 


We are the only ones here. And I don't think that you have a clue. So when I spiff up on anything, you are not there. Then when you arrive, no one has asked anything of it. But you are there, and hindering something. 

Then when we have moments, you have to deflect reflect, and just kind of talk about it. That's called thinking. And no one is in that way. 

Do you have to do it? There is no guy near the area for more than over 100. Anything. 

You have arrived at a moment that isn't yours. Please go. 


If you are together, then please fall somewhere where people will know. 

There isn't a whole lot of life to do, beyond the pushing and shoving of you. 

You are two together and it is corrupting something. If you are to reflect somewhere, do it over there. And nobody really understands it. And it is a thinking prosper that is happening. You are the only one. And nothing is talking. 

If your talk shove is the only thing that you are doing, then we just know that it is you that is doing it. Please bug off. And understand nothing about it. 

I don't get into the system until I recognize that you have no idea what to do. Then when people are there, you have no idea how to de-plug what you have already done. And people are just looking and don't understand why it gets twisted in it. 

I have watched everything. And you're not the guy. And neither is she. So whatever your unbelief could be, you would have to do it somewhere else. 

Whenever a person wants to cover something, you are there. And nobody wants to get it. And everything is done. 

I have a right to a designation that only resides me. And you are not that. 

Anytime something needs to play, we only understand it. 


Okay, the thought process is hindered and we have just enough clearance for us to maneuver up and gone. The person that is thinking is always that one. And he only wanted to do harm to something. 

If I were to relate it any harder, it wouldn't do it. He is the only one. And we have to say that he is done and finished. 

I have been witnessing that he isn't here. And I also witnessed that he stays right at the area. We are to not be around it, but he has to move. And when he moves it's at the same time that we process any type of thinking to rid something on a higher personal venture. 

I can only agenda me. And I have seen that he is there. And he is not there any longer. Hence, thinking and dissolve. He only was there to do a harmful action to something. 

I just want to relate that he is the only one. And nothing sees. 

I will relate that in a way that I don't see that he is there. 


I have plenty and you are not anything. And so when fear only takes over, we know that it's gone. Forever. 

There is nothing ridding the lights out of anyone or whipping it good. We just know that it's gone and done. 

But when you are so involved with it, we just understand. 

You will have to move and not understand something. Your rhythm is not relatable and we do not design things to do it. So we would have to come up with nothing. And everything just kind of knows.

I think that people are trying to do things. And I don't want to know really why and how much.

The only guy that we have is exactly what we are. And to design ourselves the most appropriate

There are people that meet up and don't know exactly what's going on. But if everybody is just right at that point, you'll understand that it just rides up and it doesn't go anywhere.


I can't tell if she is crying or not. Everything is at an area where people are just in their own method. But whenever I see it is something, it isn't.

When a person wants to leave, it is the only method they have to do things. So whenever they do it on me, I have to rid it very hard. And not around me a lot.

Until we don't see it anymore or whatever the effect was to deliver, would be.

If I were to ever go to that area, nobody could be talking because it is only an area. And if a person says are you fear, we already know it's the last ditch effort to do it.

So if somebody wanted me to go away that much, I make it happen slow and not in effort ever.

If they already do it well, no. And if everybody is there, yes.

It is the only time where I would say this is it, until something pops off and says it's something different.


And when something has made it there, I just unmake it a bit. It is the same tone where the zoom is at the rate. And a person is just there. But if they are there on a sound byte that just zooms at a nerve ending that only says the same thing - yes. So you would have to remove it just like anything else, the only thing is that you don't see anything.

There is a sound queue or a reference where they would do such an effort or last ditch, is all that is anyway.

When a person understands themselves, they just do it. But if everything is at the place, everything knows. But there is no other person there but witness and all.

So if I were to go make my money at the line, you were there with your foot on it, but nothing is being taken down either. So I would imagine that the line is dull or doesn't see something for a moment.

If you were to talk, I would listen just at the line that doesn't do things; your foot is there.

Then I would witness that you don't have a clue, and everything is blown up at that line.

I've been there a whole lot. And I have not seen a person get over ever. And whenever I see it, I cringe.

Don't want to be there just as much as anything else. Waiting and stopping for a moment that I don't see things. But when that person is doing it, everybody is moving. Whether it's in their consciousness to do it or not.

I'd rather survive somewhere else than to witness anything get taken down in that abrupt manner.


When I go to fixing things, I just do it. But there are those who just witness and they talk. But when it comes time, they're on it very hard. And impressive to the masses.

You go to figuring things, you don't. Because people see it. And when everything is done, nothing is really saying things. Except for the head scarf of the deliberate that sees the most.

A kind is fixing or a sudden brush of it is a swollen max. Impression is coddling.

Whatever it be, everything is needing to deliver it. Because someone knows that it is the only thing that gets it going.

I don't arrive to a nuisance or one who is not in orient of people. And I do not mix with it.

I have to do it whenever I see it. And nobody ever wants me to arrange it. I need to go to the bathroom, and the solo effort of it is consoling. And there is nothing fun or making. Making fun. Or fun oriented. It's just plain consoling. And if there is a lever that only has a person to say what are you doing? Then, everything is arranged for right now.

I won't ever fight until I understand that you did all of it by yourself in that manner.

If I do it, is not a question or concern. When you are at the place, is where all of it is until you gain respect for one of them or the other.

The person is the person. And you did everything. And the person is done. Stop willfully witnessing the person to do you on a stop note that doesn't fit.


If there was always a way for me to get it done, then I would just do it. But no one knows why you would take one thing and say that everything is involved.

Kny where to do everything, I would make sure everything is on the right, and then complete it as I see.

Isn't anything complaining, and it isn't that far. Meaning, all of it seen the whole existence of your human effort that isn't a touch or stone that does people.

There is a majority of it that only sees nuisance. But you are the masses of construction and delinquency. So you know exactly what goes here and there, which is about enough for ones to rid excessively.

I have just about had it with people who know exactly what is going on. And I think that everybody is in control. But what I don't get, is that you came back for it.

You have made it your time, even though it is someone else getting done. Whenever you make it, we only do the time and not the whole thing. If you did everything, yes. Then you went to complain at a location that nobody is hearing.

So when I am here, I only am participating at a place that people may or may not know.

The node point. In a matchbox system.

I also don't know why a person needs to see. They only discover.


The mind doesn't just come up with your own agenda. It makes it and formulates it until it is done. We want these to go to the left, and discover anything.

If it is fright and agenda, then they would just have that for a moment.

RELAXATION AND COMFORT. along with BUSINESS AND FAST READY APPROACH. Schedule is standard. And my comfort is silent and everything else is approach. So do not approach knowing that you were it.

When I take off, you will never know when I come back. And if you have not let out what you don't do, then it's too late.

You suffer and everything is right there, then that is that.


My bank days are not confusing. So please stay out of the thought area. On the fourth day from today is bank day approach. It's when I go out and I say to myself it's happening, and comfort and relaxation is there. So most of your time is talking and everything is just knowing that it's business.

Yours get plucked out, and everything is that time.

How can I relate that time with me now, even though you are dead tired and not relaxed?

Is there a weekend or a door that is near that is different than the rest? Yes.

Also, the door is hinged. There's nobody there unless you have freight episodes of something that really needs to come in anyway.

She would have to maneuver over and really delegate why she's at the thought process instead of just normal human interaction.

Once she's at that gate front, then everything is done. And the door is fine.

The weekend is it. Today is Wednesday. And if you have about one week to get to your appointment or bank day, normally. IS WHEN this type of crap happens anyway. A person doesn't want you to get more in tune with yourself than a one week spur of the moment I got to get there and jump, with 7 days in between that though.

So getting to the weekend, only acknowledges you see business and control people. So you have jumped around 3 to 4 days which gives you just enough time to see those people on Monday for a moment.

This is about the only way you can relate that there is something important and relaxation of yours isn't going to take the level of business to the front with it.


If you have ever asked me to clean for you, for no reason; then everything is done. The control is a type of light where a person has to act on you whether it is legit or not.

Once it dies down, you just see it's a person who likes control. And it's very weak and stupid.


That control part is gone, so that's when people pick up on ice cream and crap. And maybe change that the business day is some other time, because you've had to relate so much to a thick. So Sunday, which is around the 5th day here, on this short novel blog, as an example for you to recognize when you meet with yourself; it is very much that important.

You really can break it. And if I've come back, and I've seen you again, I wouldn't know how to relate it but just it frights and mingles with you.

I've come back around, and I've heard a lot of talkback, yes. That only means that the person was frightened more than what you think, and shouldn't have been there at that place anyway. It's only meant for one who is in charge.


If Monday turns to 5 or it's in process of turning towards 6 days, we only relate it until we see. So it would be like a 5 5. But if we've been processing that relaxation and business is important, then we wouldn't see it until we understand it's a 6. 6 days that we have done a particular sit or routine until the business is at hand.

If we are looking for money, then the looking stirs the person away, not the money. So if you look right into the light, the money arrives the longer you can stay. But if there's a person there who is handing off things from left to right, that person moves and if he talks, you would think the money is gone.

That person is there, like a thought process, but it's a person. And all he's saying is that I see the light that you do or the handling of certain control measures, without letting go.


So it's Tuesday or Wednesday and I have been looking in the light that is very bright. And fyi, I do fasting and most of that control is dissolved. And that's a way for me to stand there and not move away if he does that more.

I look in the hole for my money, I recognize that there are pieces all over that say what anything is. Like lost items or friendship measures that have determined things. And then when I look closer, I see the money a little. Like, a progression or something.

So at the end of most of the measures, I would just look there and understand that it likes to progress in the light. More than what we think. Then as I get closer to ecstasy, I would just know that I'm comfortable and less participation is required to control it. Leaving it more quiet around me.

And of course until it is received. It's like a cleaning project, and it's difficult if something is standing there still and you have to rescue it. Kind of like heavy and jarring.


I've been fasting for a while. And the control pieces or issue of a guy or some, has only made it to that place.

Pick up the money, and place it in two to three non-issue type of matters. You would quickly make business with yourself on stuff like houses, vehicles, cryptocurrency, and possibly your own apartment or condo at the time being of your arrival to it. Wherever you're staying at the moment. Mine is an apartment, and I'm still trying to make it to the house again. Or purchase another one personally.

If it's a house, a lot of time has been wasted on trying to form idolized opinions about when it comes to matter and money spending. So clothes may have gotten worn out, and that involves your excitement and possibly you're furtherance into a venture. Worn out clothes do not fit the prospecting when we are doing.

No issues and a furnished house. Furnish the house until you run into a possible issue, then furnish another house until there are no issues with that one. And the most you can get out of the business of that, is furtherance says nothing.


This is the only thing I can say. You are there. You've seen all. And you're just at levels higher than normal that has only existed to tell you that you aren't normal. So the money is handy. Physicality has five areas once you get your money. That's eating, sleeping, bathroom or spa bathing, and remedy locations to do more shopping and actually ways to get it done. Like, candles and incense. Or dogs and other types of animals.

Paying yourself, is the whole thing. And there is nothing. Because you are a standing vessel that experiences with all senses. So it's like having your own business until the house gets towards five houses, there is nothing really to look at but a person making up time for themselves while someone was looking hard.

When it comes to eating, a faster will experience all of it like mukbang. And every time there is a feast, that one knows how to do it more than the hungry or divided individual.

They know how to enjoy, and that is the whole expressing the money part.


Now hurry up and go to school.

– before the Lions get out the cage and tell you.

Now hurry up and go get a physical check up at the doctor.

– before the monkeys tell you everything about physicality and Doctor visits. And the mental health visits.

Now hurry up and buy a business franchise.

– before the giraffes hang their head over and say it's too late. There's too much in the sky that says you can't do things.

Now hurry up and buy an arcade or Cinema. With computer centers.

– before the Gorilla's tell you about taxes and why it's too lien that lien seasons only. Meaning, people lie. And industry sucks.

Now hurry up and buy 10 more houses.

– before the alligators or crocodiles tell you you'll be raped before you get a chance to do things such as this.

Everything is on time. And nothing is rushing anyone too soon for anything. You lean on your lamp light, then the rushing is only a Russian that doesn't know how to turn off his lamp to tell you you're doing well.


Did you make it? Did you get the meal and the subject matter? And the protein and limits?

Then we can continue on why goats tell you nothing ever; but we listen to every bit of it.

Whenever a goat is scared, he only goes to the line or the episode for a time. He will not stay, but we do not understand it until nothing.

I won't get scared if there is someone frightening it.

There is a pleasant occasion for when people do things, and I think this is one of them.

There isn't a way to let a person know, that their series or theories or any of it is right. But all of it says the same. But when I see that s***, the stuff above in regards to animals; I have a fit when I know it's nature not mother and all of it says it at once. No one is begging you to do a damn f****** piece of s***.

And all of it is amazing. I don't like crap. And I don't want people to recognize why I do stuff.

There is no one begging anyone to do something for it more than the f****** buzzard and the animals that Crest Hill itself.

I don't get into them either. But I want them to go. Nobody knows how to do it except for the angry goat himself. And once all of it is done, you don't have to come back any longer than what you think this is.

I am the only one. And I think there are people that are really dodging everything. And once they come up, we only see that it regards most. But when it happens, nobody wants to know why.

I can only tell that you are the one. I am here. And I don't think you know exactly how much.


I would rather have a day outside than to be inside stranded. But whenever I am inside, it's beautiful to clean and reference why I do it. And who I do it amongst. I never clean amongst follower types, who only want me to clean for them as they don't do anything beyond me.

Comfort control area that just kind of happens.

And among friends that know me the most. Nothing is clean until you clean your area; any of it. Then most of it, is just a tidy of nothing.

Whenever I get to a place I would really rather you just get to the side, and be pleasant.

Thinking doesn't have to happen beyond Monday now. And it doesn't have to happen now. If I have to recognize why you are there and why you're so sudden and often, then everything would fall apart.

I have no guru months until the end of the year that has already told me that it doesn't work.

So until then, there are a few concerts that we can attend with Donald Glover. Which starts in a couple months.

And also, we could benefit ourselves with thinking no more on trying to get on stage and say where the job is the most.

You're trying to get a job, the move or rise up a bit. People are not looking at people anymore. Try to do a movie role where you're noticed until we see each other at the concert.

Build your repertoire. Your individuality. You're constantness. This way, you are ready with not only the fasting approach, but also with people who have money and are capable of working at the same time; do they have to grow a bit? Yes.

Stop stalling time, or wasting. People understand it. And also try to relate why you are now. Ready for the spotlight.

I can only understand this the most. A job is a job. If you are only reading yourself up to a certain aptitude, congratulations. But on stage, will only regulate why something is tremendous or not.

If I have to move up, I have no qualms about doing it at the workforce under the arts. But whenever someone walks up, if they start talking, then I have to be left alone.

I will only realize me. But I will never do you the way everything is anyway. You do you. And all will be.

I don't give a f***. If you go to the concert, then go. If you're on stage, then all will notice your tenderment to any occupation you may try in a moment.

If I'm being rushed, from a side that only talks stupid, I'm only going to say hurry up. On stage or acting is one of the quickest ways of getting all of it. Personal attention or not. All simple society at your beck and call to show anything about your heart space. It's one of the quickest ways of getting to you.


Don't have a problem with people.

I do. And I think people are really trying to hinder all of it. When I go out to speak, then I do it. But I don't often tell myself to do it, it's always some jackass that wants to formulate some opinion. Until it's warranted for a personal outgrowth.

This type of application is one where if you pick up on it now, you will just do it.

I only think that you're awesome. I would never discover it with you. I think everything is fine. But I don't want anything to tell me you are now unless it really is.

My approach is quick. Personable and approachable. Have anyone near me. And all I'm saying is that you are the only one. If you are certain about your contribution or your acts of kindness, then go for it. Everybody goes for the light and they come back a certain type of witness. One that follows the up part and returns nothing.


If you were trying to do things, then do it. And everybody knows exactly where to go. So if you were processing any type of personal agenda against one, please have that to go out. And never to arrive.

You can do it. But nobody can will it in just as much as what it is. You have the capability of doing just about whatever you want, instead of the ones that just do things.

We come together, you are to only allow yourself to know everything.

Whenever I get with someone I just know that it's me and not those. But when you are here, there is nothing pleasant until you are the one.

I can only relate. And I know the time. If I were to do things, I know where you're at and why it's happening. But I don't ever discover it unless it is all right with you.

So if you are the only one, then you are doing everything in your zone power to affect it. And it doesn't remain output ever.

Allow yourself to dictate why you have to do it and why people are standing there wanting to get it.


Whenever you see yourself, you have to just do it. But when I notice that there's something right there, then I just do it anyway. Because everybody will not pick up on what it is. And you have only one opportunity to deliver anything to yourself anyway. And that one is just mingling and talking a bit.

But as that approaches, we are only here for that. And there is nothing that really stands in the way of any of it. Except for pure emotions and concepts that people rid nearly every day or not. They just want to get to the purpose.

This is the most secure and safest ways of gaining the most out of your ways.

If I am only trying to gain a certain type of entrance that says I am ready, house is the safest and most secure. That way, when I work on stocks and cryptocurrency or any type of insurable bonds, I stay upbeat with the force of interest rates and leniency.

I am here. And I think there's a lot of people that are delicate about their financial survival. But many just kind of go right into it, like face first. And discover silence and calm within it. I think there are people that are ready. But there's not enough tune and righteous in it. So it has me to just involve me, and not you.

But all in all, you are the only one. And I think things are fine as long as you understand your own.

If you pay attention in one straight line, the house is there. If you ever had problems with taxes and people climbing over the fence to get you to do things, then the straight line is good. The house is there. And there shouldn't be any out of pocket leaning until it's all fixated up. Meaning, the house is always around the corner.

I can never get a person to recognize it though. And that's only because we are fixing it on one thing the whole time. And some may not believe the house is around where the site just kind of runs into it. Like literally.

But, just like anything else, we pick up speed on things, we may forget the house is even there and that we have like 10 of them. When you are arriving with yourself, it is the same. We never lose focus, but there is always someone out there that relates it hard.

So whenever you give yourself a chance to get involved, then you will know that you're delinquency doesn't have any appeal or it doesn't stick. There's only an arrival and we are there.

Good luck

Cashapp $galacticwar



June 11th - notified of TV show appearances. Sooner than later. Needing to get to one of them. 

June 22nd - needing to get to one of the cash stashes that only grows near dust. Needing to see most of it and have all of it finished. And it should be starting or forming this week, what I'm saying. Weekend.

-we have all 12 companies and ready. And available upon and near this date. Also a few gold bars, and the Platinum one. 

- JUNE. 

Then, needing to close out where I am saying anything about the elections for this year. Around November. We need to close out and finally say an office or holding area, that can be maintained a bit. 

TAXES. LAW. ID. SCHEMES FORM. FORMULA. (5 vehicles or 5 gold bars).

Then, needing to be available for the Childish Gambino concert coming up this August 11th through year end and 2025. 

We should be ready and available, this month, working on solutions, but nothing. Kind of the rest of it. And try to get involved with some of the groups that may be attending and doing things near. 

We would also like to meet Donald Glover, in route to Gilga, at least. Hopefully by the end of this month my people can relate something beneficial towards the new album. Also, provide a little bit of insight with the Smiths. And possibly reach the radio there at Gilga as well. 

When meeting Donald Glover, I would like to be brief and sufficient. And see if we can work on some common grounds in regards to: purpose, liability and escape artists, cancel culture, and anything else where things are centered a bit. Of course, before the concerts that are mentioned for the new world tour. Gilga would be appropriate. 

If he would like to meet earlier or near my location, outside of Gilga, I would welcome that. He may find the solutions that solve themselves to be a benefit. And the meeting would be beneficial for both.

I think he would enjoy that I can rap. And speak well. Also, I can participate with any type of acting. 

I think he would also appreciate that I'm a female with a tight arrangement too. 

I'm not trying to go against people's motives here, but I know too much about his lifestyle and why he does opportune himself. 

I also know that he propagates. Individualism sees. WHORES don't ride.

He wants you to make a soul for yourself. That means a seat. So this should be interesting. 

(Soul to Non Human Persona - we got married 2024, this year). 

We can't really do anything. But that's that. 

We're going to progress everything on concert days.


So that is it, in regards to schedules and lifting myself a bit. On agendas and where anything just kind of closes itself out. Schedules are good for work modes and when people are fast. If there is something that knocked any of it down, in front of your site, then the lift part is good too. It's like squats and lifting. Nobody wants to be brought down during a mode where things are very high. Is basically what I'm saying. 

Most of it is done. Nothing is strain. I've been pretty fast at witnessing the turnarounds. 

Here are some dates that can provide some wind or currents that can help. June 17th. June 22nd. And June 30th. At those rates I can't help things that happen, but I can explain it.

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